

环境 - 2021年3月2日


香农吉姆 | 现代铸造

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变得更可持续 | 现代铸造


金属铸造企业通过努力变得更加可持续,获得了许多优势. 他们可以省钱, improve the environment for their employees and community, and show they can be part of their customers’ own 可持续性 goals. 

AFS认可那些采取了重要和新颖的方法来提高可持续性的代工厂, 减少能源和资源的使用, 消除废物的产生, 确定废旧材料的有益再利用方案,并通过绿色铸造奖普遍减少其环境足迹, 提出了每年. 

Three foundries received this award in 2020 and their case studies are presented here.

威尼斯注册送38元公司. (Waupaca, Wisconsin) received the Green Foundry 可持续性 Award, 麦克文延展性犹他(普罗沃, Utah) received the Green Foundry Innovation Award, 约翰迪尔铸造厂(滑铁卢), 爱荷华州) received the Green Foundry 社区 Engagement Award.

Finding a New Use and Destination for Spent Foundry Sand

At AFS Corporate Member John Deere Foundry, spent sand was disposed as fill and buried in a local quarry for 20 years. In one year, the foundry could generate as much as 136,000 tons of waste sand. In 2014, when the foundry generated a peak amount of waste sand, 当地采石场宣布将恢复采石场用于铸造砂处理的部分的采矿作业. 最初的预测显示,他们只能在该地点再接受约翰迪尔的沙子三年.

To continue normal operations, the foundry needed a new place to send its spent sand. 

“I began by looking at other quarries and exploring beneficial reuse,安东尼·戈奇说, senior environmental engineer at John Deere. When that didn’t lead to a doable solution, Goettsch had to get creative. “I decided to see if someone could use the sand in cement manufacture. I did some cold calling, and word got around that I was asking. 梅森市的一家供应商表示,他们有兴趣用这种材料取代水泥生产过程中使用的原砂, and we started working through the project to make it happen.”

该协议涉及约翰迪尔将其废砂从当地采石场转移到水泥制造商. 水泥制造商支付了沙子的费用, but John Deere would need to cover the cost to ship the sand to Mason City, 爱荷华州, 83 miles from the John Deere plant in Waterloo. John Deere的目标是找到一种成本适中的废砂解决方案, 所以运输成本, 砂的交付和砂的价值必须保持对两家公司有利的平衡.

The first major obstacle John Deere encountered was infrastructure. The offload dock was not tall enough to accommodate shipping from a semitrailer. The existing waste sand dock was only designed for short steel trailers, and this hindered the foundry’s ability to get competitive transportation quotes. 由于高昂的资本成本,约翰迪尔和航运公司不想修改他们的设备来适应.

此外,处理的单程运输距离从12英里增加到83英里. 最初的报价是约翰迪尔目前成本的两倍,这是最大的障碍. 经过三个月的谈判, 约翰迪尔的供应管理小组通过确定两种省钱的项目来协商更有利的运输成本. 第一个, 他们找到了一家卡车运输公司,可以用现代拖车满足约翰迪尔的高度限制. 第二个, 水泥制造商提供了一个更好的价格,因为他们保证来自约翰迪尔的材料将被预筛选到小于0.75 in. diameter and therefore would require less processing at the kiln. The final price resulted in a 65 cents per ton savings.

最后一个挑战是后勤. The amount of waste sand generated depends on production rates at the foundry. 采石场就在12英里外, 一天多次将废砂从铸造厂运到采石场是没有问题的. 但是,到梅森市的窑炉的长途跋涉可能需要四个小时的往返时间,这并不容易. 事实证明,John Deere的废砂储存区域是生产的瓶颈,有时会被填满,导致上游生产停止,直到材料被运出码头. The foundry sand needed to be continuously offloaded, 因此,运输需要随时可用,现有的存储需要谨慎管理.


The first load of spent sand for cement manufacture was sent December 1, 2015. In the first year of diverting this waste stream, 38,222 tons of spent sand were sent for use as a raw product, which was about 61% of the total spent sand generated at the foundry. By 2019, 42,废砂作为原料回用099吨,占当年废砂总量的72%. 另外, the foundry is now seeing $4.40 per ton savings from 2015, which was equal to $185,235 in 2019.

Waupaca铸造 Takes an Energy Management Approach

As a representative of an 能源-intensive industry, AFS Corporate Member Waupaca铸造 (Waupaca, 威斯康辛州)一直在推行减少能源使用的做法和项目,以减少碳排放,保持全球竞争力. 多年来, 削减的努力以项目为基础, 但在2015年,该公司开始了为期12个月的努力,以创建和实施能源效率的能源管理计划(ISO 50001)。.

“我们一个项目接一个项目地取得了成功, 但就到此为止了,布莱恩特·埃施说, director of environmental engineering at Waupaca. “You can only go so far chasing good projects. Taking a management structure approach is a more methodical way. 我们正在使用参数来追踪正在发生的事情,这确实重塑了我们的方向.”

The program included identifying and implementing 能源 efficiency opportunities, gathering and analyzing data to gauge 能源 consumption and performance, undertaking 能源-related training and communications measures, 并进行内部审核,以识别和解决与ISO标准相关的缺陷.

The effort required full commitment from management and staff, 但幸运的是,许多ISO 50001要求的系统已经在威尼斯注册送38元投入使用.

“大揭露是, if a foundry wants to go ISO 50001 for 能源, it is actually very similar to other ISO programs,埃施说. “You can use a lot of what you were already doing, and you are 60% there.”
沃帕卡于10月20日获得了ISO 50001认证下的能源管理体系第三方注册, 2016—the first such registration for a metalcaster in the U.S. and the second facility from any industry in the State of Wisconsin.

The 能源 management system has helped Waupaca铸造 reach an audacious goal. 2010年,该公司承诺将在10年内将其能源强度降低25%.

埃施说:“因为所有简单的事情都已经完成了,所以开始变得困难很多。. “The last three to four years, only the hard stuff was left to go after. But we still have that objective and target goal. We are at 23% reduction and as we near the end of our fiscal year, we are really close to getting that last 2%. 管理方案加速了我们榨出最后一滴橙汁的成功.”

Based on the success of the program at the pilot facility in Waupaca, ISO 50001注册计划在更大的组织范围内推广到其在美国的其他工厂.S.


An 能源 audit at AFS Corporate Member McWane Ductile Iron Utah (Provo, 犹他州)确定了一个过时的压缩空气系统是该工厂最大的电力用户, 消费的27%. In 2013, McWane upgraded the system through the implementation of two projects: first, replacing the outdated rotary screw compressors and second, replumbing the main compressed air line throughout the plant. 

The old compressed air system was only monitored by air pressure. 当由于需求增加而注意到空气压力下降时,将手动打开压缩机. When the plant replaced the outdated rotary screw compressors, 它选择了与智能阀门相连的新型压缩机,这些阀门可以监控工厂的空气使用情况,并自动调整输出以满足需求.  

其次, the original compressor lines went in a loop, and isolating specific areas for repairs was difficult. 当更换管线时, McWane将它们安装在一个新的布局中,该布局没有循环隔离用于故障排除的区域.

压缩空气系统升级后, McWane saw its 能源 consumption reduced by 2,500 megawatts per year (based on 2012 data). This equates to more than 2,600 tons of carbon dioxide per year.

该项目初期的大量资金和劳动力成本被地区电力公司的大量回扣所抵消. Cost savings were more than $180,000 per year with a payback period of two years.
还有节能, 压缩机正常运行时间延长, freeing maintenance personnel to complete other tasks. 更一致的压缩空气供应给气动系统也减少了过程的可变性. 另外, 新的压缩空气管道有清晰的标志,并配备了最新的安全装置.

Compressed air is used widely throughout the foundry business. 即使资金和劳动力成本很高, the cost savings and environmental benefit made it a reasonable investment.    

#能源 #可持续性